"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day #6: Changes

I have been wanting to paint these changing leaves ever since this fall when I saw them hanging on the tree - the colorful leaves overlapping the green underneath...one of natures most beautiful art works.

I created this painting by soaking the watercolor paper and then dropping in the colors wet-into-wet - dragons blood,indian red, sap green, indian yellow and pthalo blue to create various greens and fall colors. After it dried well, I drew the leaves in with a #2 pencil and then painted in the background leaves with darker greens and dragon blood and indian red using negative painting techniques.


Anonymous said...

Oh! Autumn leaves have always been my favorite (if you remember my previous screen name, you'll know how true this is!). Beautifully done, Barb. I seem to always recognize when a painting has been done using negative painting and I'm not sure why that is so. They just just have a certain look, I guess. So interesting hearing how you've created this beauty and I find myself thinking on your words and trying to do the same in my head.

Hope you are holding up ok, Barb. I know you must be in some pain. You are in my thoughts!

Christiane Kingsley said...

Very beautifully done, Barb. I am impressed by your productivity!
Stay well!