"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, April 4, 2008

Watercolor in the Village

A few years ago, I started experimenting with the watercolor technique called 'pouring.' In this technique, you prepare a paint mixture of paint and water that is the consistancy of thick cream. You prepare a mixture for each color you intend to use. The paper is wet on both sides, and then laid on a flat surface like plexiglass. You pour the paint on the paper and move it around allowing the colors to mix and mingle together. The artist can assist the process by spraying the surface with water. More paint may be added at any time. In this painting two colors were used for the background - indian yellow and cobalt vioilet. After the paint was dry, I drew the details of the painting with pencil and painted it with the two original colors and sap green, which I darkened with the violet. I have done many paintings using this process, and almost always like the effects that pouring achieve.

"Vivid Sunset"
11" x 15"

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