"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, September 11, 2014

30 Paintings in 30 days: Day 11: Into the Woods

Todays painting is a quick watercolor study because I was at the hospital today with my husband who had a heart catheterization this a.m.  He did well and we were allowed to come home this evening.

This painting is 4" x 5" and is painted on printmaking paper with QoR watercolor from Golden Paints.


Autumn Leaves said...

Such great depth, Barb!! Oh to have some skills!!

Barb Sailor said...

Hi Sherry! Thanks for commenting. I had to do this quickly because of spending so much of my day at the hospital.
You do have skills - I have seen your work!!! Don't sell yourself short! Listed to this teacher!!!