"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Color My World

This colorful sunflower painting was finished this evening.  It will be a lesson for the class I teach at Riverside Art Center in Wapakoneta, Ohio.   This painting is painted on Acquerello 140 lb. cold-pressed watercolor paper - a new paper for me which I am trying out.  I purchased it from Dick Blick and it is made in Italy.  So far, I like it real well.  I used about 4 photos to compose this painting and it is 11" x 11".  I tried some new watercolor paint - I particularly like the sap green from Maimeri Blu and the Indian Yellow from Dick Blick.


Autumn Leaves said...

Really beautiful painting, Barb. I so love the joyous colors in this piece!

Donna Pierce-Clark said...

Yes, joyous colors!!


Barb Sailor said...

Sherry and Donna: Thank you very much - as you know, I LOVE joyous colors! There is nothing that can compare to the glow of watercolor!