"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Snow and Pines on YUPO

Well, this is the latest installment in the "snow" series. This painting is 7" x 13" and is painted on YUPO paper with watercolors. I haven't painted much on YUPO paper, so this is me still in the experimental stage with it.

We are supposed to be in for a storm this week so there will probably be more paintings in the "snow" series! :-)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Orange Day Lilies

I think that field lilies should be the state flower of ohio - they are so prolific along the highways in the summer.  These are a hybrid lily but remind me so much of the field lilies. This painting is going to be the subject of my lesson for the class I am teaching on Monday night.  It is 7" x 11" and is painted on Canson 140 lb. cold-pressed watercolor paper.  I used orange and red orange, sap and hooker's green dark with alizarin crimson added to the greens for the darks.  I first poured the oranges onto wet paper and then lifted areas that I wanted to be lighter.  After drying it well, I mixed a series of different greens, and after wetting the background with clear water, dropped in the different greens indiscriminately right up to the edges of the flowers.  I finished the painting by negative painting darker greens around  the leaves.  The last step was to detail and define the flowers with deeper orange.  I darkened the orange with ultramarine blue for the shadows.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Winter Sunset

Here is the next installation in the "snow" series - "Winter Sunset."  This painting is 7 1/2" x 11" and was painted wet-in-wet on 140 lb. cold-pressed watercolor paper.  I am really getting tired of the snow outside, but am enjoying painting the snow scenes.  It will soon be February and the days are getting longer, so things are looking up!  Spring WILL arrive someday.  :-D

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Glow in the Cold Midwinter

This is today's daily creation...a watercolor- 11" x 7" which is painted on 140 lb. cold-pressed watercolor paper.  It is painted entirely in quinacridone gold and antwerp blue.  I floated the gold in first and dried it well and then re-wet the painting and floated in the blue on top, trying not to lift the yellow underneath.  I guess the winter weather is getting to me - I have been in a winter painting mood!   lol

Monday, January 24, 2011

Winter Glow

This is the 2nd in the "Winter" series.  This one I call "Winter Glow."  I began this as part of the lesson I was teaching in my watercolor painting class at Riverside Arts Center in Wapakoneta, Ohio.  It was the second part of the lesson, where the students were to do a thumbnail, then draw it themselves on their watercolor paper, and then paint it using the principles taught in the earlier evening's lesson. This - like the first in this series, my last post, is very stylized in design and composition and is done in complementary colors of violet and yellow. This watercolor is 8" square and is painted on 140 lb. Canson Tientes hot-pressed watercolor paper.  You can see that the surface is very smooth as compared to a watercolor on cold-pressed paper

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Shadows in the Snow

Today I did a 1 hour watercolor study in complementary colors - Indian Yellow and Violet.  This watercolor is 8" x 6" and is painted on Canson Tientes cold-pressed watercolor paper.  I definitely paint more loosely when painting quickly!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Compromise: Not Everything is Black and White

Today's post, titled "Compromise: Not Everything is Black and White",  is my statement on the political scene in the United States today and I will say no more on that issue.  The painting is painted on 140 lb. cold-pressed watercolor paper and is monochromatic - painted entirely in shades of sepia.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Old Bay Village Beauty

This painting was my post for my daily painting blog yesterday.  It  is a loose pen and ink drawing with a watercolor wash on hot-pressed Arches 140 lb. watercolor paper.  It is  approximately 6" x 7".  I used a Pigma Micron .005 archival waterproof ink drawing pen.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Lemonade Pitcher with Bosc Pears

I started this watercolor still life this afternoon and finished it after teaching tonight in Wapakoneta at Riverside Arts Center.  The watercolor is 14" x 11" and is painted on Fabriano cold-pressed watercolor paper.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunset Study in Watercolor

Well - this is today's post for the daily painting blog - I spent most of the afternoon preparing for the class I am teaching - starting tomorrow - so this was a quick watercolor I did tonight.  It is a limited palette - red orange, yellow, and  sap and viridian green and mixtures of those colors.  The watercolor is 6" x 8" and is painted on cold-pressed watercolor paper.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Contour Drawing of My Left Hand

Well - today is my big day - the reception for my solo show!  Soooooooo - needless to say, I have been busy...with little time to create!  So, this is my quick effort for today.  It is a semi-contour drawing of my left hand done  with a 4B pencil on watercolor paper. Then I took a 1/2 inch watercolor wash brush and made a series of strokes across the paper -back and forth - purposely not covering all the paper.  Then I softened my paynes grey watercolor and took my paint brush on which I had sharpened the end and after dipping the sharpened end in the paint, drew onto my wet paper.  Where there is water, the paint runs - where there is no water, you get a beautiful contour line.  My college life drawing professor, Dr. Running,  taught this technique some 54 years ago at Bowling Green State University. He was great! You never know what you are going to get because you have no idea where the water is going to take the paint!  It is a real ADVENTURE!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Sentinel

This   painting of bluebirds is 8" x 6" and is painted on hot-pressed 140 lb. Arches watercolor paper.  I wanted some practice in painting birds and really like the way the male is standing guard over the female.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tulip Magnolias

Finished this painting this evening for my daily creations blog and thought I would share it with Watercolor in the Village bloggers.  It is 5 1/2" x 7" and is painted on 140 lb. Arches cold-pressed watercolor paper.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pamela's Truck - WIP #1

I worked on the drawing for the watercolor of this wonderful vintage truck painting yesterday and today. My friend Pamela Baker is a wonderful photographer and she has graciously allowed me to use her photographs as source pictures. What a treat!!! The size of the painting will be 22" x 15" and is on Canson Tientes 140 lb. cold-pressed watercolor paper.

I am drawing the truck by using grids- both on the photograph and on the watercolor paper. The drawing is done with a 2B pencil. This is going to be a really exciting painting for me! The truck is awesome, as you can see in the photograph above the drawing.

Posted by Barb Sailor

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Three Oranges...Watercolor Version

Since I had the still life set up for yesterday's still life, I decided to do the same subject in watercolor.  I will have to say that the oranges look more like oranges than indescriminate fruit like yesterdays...The painting was 9" x 12", but I cropped it to 8" x 8" and it is painted on 140 lb. cold pressed watercolor paper.

Three Oranges

This little painting was my daily post for my daily blog, Barb's Daily Creations, yesterday.  A good friend and I set up a still life in my studio and painted together for the afternoon.  We had some good laughs about trying to make the fruit look like oranges and decided that they are indiscriminate fruit.  We looked up some of Cezanne's still lifes on the internet and decided that his oranges also look like "indiscriminate" fruit!

This oil painting is 6" x 6" and is painted on a canvas panel.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Copper Tea Kettle at Forever Antiques

This copper tea kettle was photographed by my friend Deb Holmes at an antique shop.  She has kindly allowed me to paint it. Thanks, Deb! I love to paint reflections, although it takes me a lot longer than my usualy style of painting.  This painting is 12" x 9" and is painted on 140 lb. cold-pressed watercolor paper.  For the copper I used burnt sienna, sepia and van dyke brown and mixtures of those colors.  I love to mix burnt sienna and sepia - it makes such a rich brown.  For the reflection of the mauve cloth in the pot, I used dragons blood mixed with the burnt sienna.