"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, February 15, 2009

"The Blind Egyptian"

"The Blind Egyptian" was painted on a 1/4 sheet of Arches hot-pressed w/c paper. It is a monochromatic study painted for the February Watercolor Workshop project which was to do a painting in monotone or sepia. I decided to do my painting in shades of blue-violet. The source photograph was found in the Wet Canvas reference library of photos.


RH Carpenter said...

Beautiful portrait!

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

Again, I have to say how well-done this portrait is, and how evocative it is to me. You are just so skilled in catching the details that make a painting that way.

Vicki Greene said...

Beautiful work. I gave your blog an award. You can see it at my blog http://vickigreene.blogspot.com/

Barb Sailor said...

Rhonda, Susan and Vicki...
Thanks for commenting on the Blind Egyptian. Your remarks are very encouraging. Vicki ... many thanks for the blog award. I believe I will pursue it.

Joanne said...

Beautiful piece. The fact that it is monochromatic adds to the character of the painting.

Barb Sailor said...

Thanks, Joanne. I appreciate your comments and also thanks for visiting my blog.