"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, November 11, 2017

I Am The Diva Challenge for this week using the new tangle "Wibble!"

I Am The Diva Zentangle challenge for this week was to use the new tangle "Wibble!"   Wibble in my design is what makes up the left angle and  design on an angle.  This is about 3" x 5" and is done on white drawing paper. I used a Micron-Pigma black pen - .005.


Anne's tangle blog said...

Very pretty!

Ginny Stiles said...

Oh Barb...I want so much to get back to the weekly challenges.
It's my goal right now. So small but it helps to keep me warmed up and focuses.
You are my inspiration. This looks like a fun new tangle too.

Barb Sailor said...

Ginny - I am just now getting back into the challenges - my life has been complicated health-wise, but I am going to make myself more active. You are an inspiration to me!!!

Anne - thank you for your comment!