"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Another Old Truck?

This painting of a dump truck is from a photograph by my friend Deb Holmes who has generously allowed me to  use it as a source for this painting.   The painting is on 140 lb. cold-pressed watercolor paper and is approximately 9" x 9 1/2" in size.

This will be the painting for our class this Monday evening at the Riverside Arts Center in Wapakoneta, Ohio.  The members of my class are so patient with me, allowing me to use old trucks and cars as subject matter, because they know I am addicted to these subjects.  Thanks, guys!  I hope you enjoy this one.


Autumn Leaves said...

Oh what an awesome piece! I love your old trucks and cars so much, Barb. This is going to be an awesome show the two of you will have.

Ginny Stiles said...

I LOVE how the fender has completely fallen off!
Great job!

Donna Pierce-Clark Fine Art said...

Awesome, awesome!!!!!!

PS.......saw an old car at Indian Lake....Lakeview, along the main drag, thought of you!! Take a ride up there and get some pics! I'll try to get some pics if I can next time I go and send em to ya!

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

What's NOT to enjoy with this one?! I love how you have complementary blue and orange throughout.

Barb Sailor said...

Sherry - thank you so much!

Barb Sailor said...

Thanks, Ginny!

Barb Sailor said...

Donna...when I get over to the Lake, I'll look for it! Thanks!

Barb Sailor said...

Susan - Only you would pick up on my use of complementary colors in this one! :)Thanks so much for commenting!