"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, June 15, 2012


I painted this small watercolor (5"x7") from a photograph taken by my photographer friend, Pamela Baker. (http://www.bakercreekdesigns.com/)

If you haven't checked out her work, please do! It's wonderful!

This painting is painted on 140 lb. cold-pressed watercolor paper. Looks cold, doesn't it?


June said...

This is a wonderful painting! You gave it a very apt title, for it is very peaceful, tranquil and gives me an overall feeling of serenity and calm. Thanks for sharing. I'm really enjoying your blog, and glad I 'found' you.

Autumn Leaves said...

I sure love winter paintings. This is really beautiful, Barb.

renate said...

Hello Barb:) Love this! A beautiful winterpainting. Very nice with beautiful colors!

Barbra Joan said...

Hi Barb, just came by and love not only your latest, but your past efforts are so good..
Citrus and Crystal.. I never knew you could paint watercolor on top of gesso.. Now I do..!

Mary Paquet said...

Indeed, you captured the cold in the deepest part of winter. Love your recent portrait work as well Barb. I also checked out Pamela's photographer-- wonderful.