"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Muses (from left): Theresa, Rose, Pamela, Barb, Patty, Michelle and Rosie
Thursday the Muses met at Cloud Nine Coffee Shop in Wapakoneta, Ohio to celebrate the hanging of the photography show of Pamela Baker - one of our members. We viewed the wonderful show and then had a great lunch with lots of "important" conversation. Below is a picture of Pamela next to her photograph of the Wapa Theater in Wapakoneta, which, by the way was sold that day...congrats to Pamela!


Autumn Leaves said...

What a lovely group of ladies and the photo of the theater is magnificent. Easy to see why it sold.

Donna Pierce-Clark said...

What a beautiful bunch of artists!!

Sure wish I still lived up north!!!

Love you, Barb!!!

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

What a nice-looking group! It is especially nice to see you front and center, smiling and upright! I am so glad you are beginning to "come around" from that past woes you have had to endure. I love you too!

Barb Sailor said...

Thanks Sherry, Donna and Susan! It is so good to be up and about after the winter from he*&! I can be upright for about a minute and then the back starts to spasm - but it is better than before.